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In the 5 Star Business Starter Challenge we will show you how to structure your business in a way that protects your personal assets and allows you to take advantage of tax credits & deductions
having to fry your brain with internet searches, waste time on all consuming videos and blowing money on
"🤷🏽♀️maybe this is right🤷🏽♀️" purchases
In today's economy, you are working today with a great job, great benefits, and good money and tomorrow it all be snatched from your grasp with a slight downturn in the market or a bad business decision by the powers that be and all that you knew to be solid and true are gone.
Although it was not easy, as I was learning how to be a successful business owner I also learned that it wasn't that hard either
once I learned what to do and how to do it.
I don't tell you these things to boast or brag. I tell you things in hopes that you'll see the part of yourself that has the burning desire to have your own. I hope that voice that's telling you, "I think I can do this", gets so loud and bold that you can actually feel it vibrating through your body. I hope that some time very soon here you find yourself screaming "I can and I will do it" to the heavens on the daily and you will join me on this Challenge and JUST DO IT with the rest of us.
You will get the The My Business Now eBook that lists the links to the business registration website with detailed instructions for all 50 state.
You'll get a complete list of accounts you will need to manage your business and personal banking, credit cards, lines of credit and trade lines accounts.
You'll get a list of different types of websites, the best providers, and their features that are the best fit your business so you can create your own universe.
You'll get a list of the types of funding that are available to you, how they work, where to find them, and how to manage them to build your credibility.
You'll get the cheat codes to getting customers in the door and buying your products, keeping them happy, and how to get them excited about bringing you more customers.
Attend for FREE on Facebook with Replays in the Facebook Group
Backstage pass to the LIve Sessions and Live Q&A and so much more
Remember when we said it doesn't matter if you don't have a business? Challenge members who have not registered their business, Sunday is for you. Challenge members who are thinking about restructuring their business, Sunday is for you. Monday Morning, make it happen!
On the Official Day 1, we’ll show you how to create headquarters for your business online so customers can learn all there is to know about your business, how to find you, how to book your services, how to buy your products, and even purchase tickets for your next event.
Day 2 Do You Do NOT Want to Miss. This is the day where we give you the cheat code that unlocks access other people's money. We're going to be talking credibility on Day 2 and how to get you a bunch of it.
In Day 3, we’ll show you how to set your small business up like you're doing big business with the best of them.
Day 4, we’ll talk about where to find that paper! In addition showing you how to find funding for your business, we're going to show you how to raise your own capital for your business as well.
On Day 5, this is where that entrepreneurial spirit gets to come out and play. We will give you every goody and tool we've used to run a business wherever life takes you.
Be sure to tap in on Bonus Day 2 for the 5 Star Business Starter Celebration! What you've accomplished is no small thing. IT'S MAJOR and we want to Celelibrate you!
5 STAR Business Owner - Founder of Health In Hair & Wellness Hair Loss Center and Dyniecia Barnes Consulting & Professional Services. Dyniecia is an Air Force Veteran who served her country honorably as a Computer Systems Specialist with more 10 years of experience in Information Systems & Technology. Ms. Barnes has served as an Educator for Extensions Expo, the Women's Conference Online (WOCO), and the annual Women of Power event, Doing Business Virtually.
A Master Cosmetologist and Instructor with over 30 years experience in the Beauty Industry turned Business enthusiast. She is an prominent member of a professional Real Estate Agents Group; and as one who understands the power of continued education, she is committed to expanding her skill sets through an Advanced Personal and Business Credit Mentorship Program. It is Ms. McNeil's goal to help people expand their business using sound stabilized credit strategies. She partners with realtors to help their clients establish creditworthiness and to connect them with reliable lenders. "I believe that with the right guidance and mentorship, and the right opportunities, anyone can make their dreams a real life reality. What's your reality?"
~ Tanya McNeil
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My name is Dyniecia Barnes and I'm a lot of things. I do a little hair, I restore a little hair, I make a little music, and I do a little website building. The focal part I want you to focus on is that it's all business. I do a lot of business. Becoming a business owner was actually one of the scariest things I've ever done. My dad always told me, "Don't just get a job. Be a job creator." As much as I wanted to make him proud - truth be told - I didn't know how I was going to do it. I didn't have any legit business owners in my family that could actually show or tell me how to do it. So I relied on college, cosmetology, school and the internet. And I'm here to tell you, with all my degrees and education, I was not prepared for entrepreneurship. Although I was scared, I was compelled to go for it. To play full out and what will be will be. The worst thing that could happen is that I'd have keep going to a 9-to-5. But it would be all my fault if I never tried. And who am to preach entrepreneurship to my children when I was afraid to do it myself.
To be honest the only thing that made entrepreneurship difficult is that the information was all over the place and inaccurate. There were no easy-to-follow plans to guide me through it and no one really wanted to fully mentor me through it. A lot of the time I was on my own. Now that I've found my groove, there's nothing else I'd rather do with my existence. Even if I ever decided to take a job, I would still be an entrepreneur.
I know there are so many of you reading this right now thinking, "I feel ya, Gurl, but I'on know how I'm gonna do that." The easy answer is also the simple answer - Just Start. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Just keep taking a step everyday. I promise you gone look up and be like, "I did it!!!"
There is nothing like kicking fear in the face and feeling this crazy sense of pride at the fact that you did it, it's done, and it's good. I want this so much for you. I want this so much for you that I'm willing bet 5 days of my time to pour out as much as you can take in to ensure you have what you need to succeed.
I ask that you bet on yourself with me and do this challenge.
“Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
~ Poet William Ernest Henley (1849–1903)